Haven’t vaxxed yet? Quezon City (QC) residents and non-residents are urged to pre-register via QC Vax Easy to get their vaccination appointment. Walk-ins will not be accommodated in vaccination sites to ensure that minimum health protocols are followed.
To cater to individuals whose only available time is at night or after the 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM working hours, QC also has a “Bakuna Nights” program. However, Mayor Joy Belmonte appealed to the employers to give their employees consideration by allowing them to take a day off to get vaccinated without salary deductions or working from home after getting vaccinated.
QC Vax Easy is the official registration of Quezon City for its COVID-19 vaccination program rollout. Continue reading below to learn how to pre-register.
STEP 1: Go to qceservices.quezoncity.gov.ph/qcvaxeasy;

STEP 2: Click Continue without a QCeServices Account or if you have an existing account, use your QCeServices account and enter your QCeServices email address and password;
STEP 3: Fill up the QC VAX EASY REGISTRATION and click Submit and confirm submission of your data.
Note: You will ONLY receive a text message with your confirmed schedule, as well as data, time, and vaccination site, when vaccines are available.
Your Barangay will schedule your COVID-19 Vaccination based on your priority group. Then, a representative from the Barangay will contact you and provide you with your vaccination schedule.
Important Reminders! To avoid delay and any inconvenience, make sure to bring the following on your appointment date:
- Valid ID (proof of residency or employment in Quezon City);
- Proof that you belong to the priority group being vaccinated
For large organizations with 100 employees and above, registered in Quezon City, and with the available venue and medical team for Vaccination, sign up here.
As of writing, QC is vaccinating priority groups from A1 to A5.
- A1: Priority Group Frontline Health Workers
- A2: Senior Citizens
- A3: Persons with Comorbidities 18-59 years old
- A4: Frontline personnel in essential sectors
- A5: Indigent Population
(Source: Quezon City)
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