It’s worth noting that while Filipinos can shift to consuming other crops as alternatives, the call to not waste rice—along with other resources—is just as strong. In reality, these statistics are only examples of the multitude of reasons that further emphasize just how crucial NRAM is.It’s National Rice Awareness Month!
DID YOU KNOW? The Department of Agriculture (DA) in region 7’s information officer Melquiades Ibarra says that each Filipino wastes 2 spoonfuls of rice a day! #EmpoweringCommunities — PIA Central Visayas (@PIACentralVis) October 30, 2019
National Rice Awareness Month 2019: A Call To Manage The Philippines’ Rice Production And Consumption

By virtue of Proclamation No. 524, signed by President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo on Jan. 5, 2004, November is officially National Rice Awareness Month (NRAM).
This year, the annual celebration is themed “Quality Rice, Quality Life” as part of the Department of Agriculture’s awareness campaign.
The United States Department of Agriculture-Foreign Agricultural Service reports that the Philippines is importing up to 2.3 million metric tons. However, the number only continues to grow as it keeps failing to satisfy the growing demand.
According to the National Solid Waste Management Commission & International Rice Research Institute, “the Worldwide Fund for Nature (WWF) estimates that Filipinos waste up to 308,000 tons of rice every year, enough to feed 4.3 million Filipino people.” To put the amount of rice wasted into perspective, the Public Information Agency of Central Visayas posted a tweet saying, “The Department of Agriculture (DA) in region 7’s information officer Melquiades Ibarra says that each Filipino wastes 2 spoonfuls of rice a day!”
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