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Uniforms not required for the new school year says DEPED


MANILA, PHILIPPINES — On Monday, the Department of Education, headed by Education Secretary Sara Z. Duterte, said uniforms are not required for the new school year.

Vice President Duterte said in a Viber message not requiring school uniforms for the school year 2022 to 2023 will help ease the financial burden on parents of learners.

Additionally, she said that wearing school uniforms was not required pre-pandemic due to DepEd Order (DO) No. 065, s. 2010.

“Even before the pandemic, it was not a strict requirement for public schools to wear uniforms to avoid incurring additional costs to the families of our learners. All the more that it will not be required this School Year given the increasing prices and economic losses due to the pandemic,” she said.

The DO states the following:

“The wearing of a school uniform shall not be required in public schools. Students with existing uniforms may continue using these uniforms, if they so desire, to avoid incurring additional costs for new attire.”

Recently, Duterte also approved the new dates for the school year 2022 to 2023, which will start on August 22.

This decision faced criticism, with a group of teachers urging Duterte to “reconsider” moving the opening dates to give them enough time to rest.

“We are ready to take on the role, but the mandated two-month school break should still be observed — this is a matter of right,” said Teachers’ Dignity Coalition (TDC) National Chair Benjo Basas. 

“In the end, our teachers will never have a break,” Basas continued and added, “teachers are very much willing to perform their duties, but they need to be given what is due them.”

However, Duterte maintained her stance that the opening of classes will be on August 22.

Public and private schools have the option to do in-person classes, blended learning, or distance learning until October 31.

Mandatory face-to-face classes will start on November 2. – WhatALife!

Source: (1), (2)

Also read: When will DepEd School Year (SY) 2022 to 2023 start?

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