Home Entertainment James Reid and Issa Pressman reveals why they unfollow each other on Instagram 

James Reid and Issa Pressman reveals why they unfollow each other on Instagram 

james reid and issa pressman reveals why they unfollow each other on instagram

MANILA, Philippines – Couples James Reid and Issa Pressman unfollowed each other on Instagram.

James Reid and Issa Pressman’s relationship was recently rumored in a state of breaking up after netizens spotted the couple unfollowing each other on their Instagram.

In a quick interview, James stated that he and Issa are on good terms and are a completely happy couple, and they were only checking how “soft blocks” work.

“I was actually… Do you ever have that thing where suddenly you’re unfollowing someone? Then, she told me that if someone blocks you and unblocks you, you won’t know. Automatically, you’re unfollowing… I tried it. But afterward, we forgot to follow back,  so we stayed unfollowed,” James Reid said.

After the controversy broke on the internet, the couples followed each other on instagram again to end the issue.

“I wondered, how did they know that I went down one follower: I’m impressed at how the fans are really, you know, they stay updated with everything,” he added. 

The actor assured that everything was going well in their relationship, that he and Issa were happy with each other. 

“I’m very happy with how everything has been unfolding. She’s the majority of that happiness,” he said. .

Despite the issues that his company is facing, James remains positive about where his career is going as of the moment. 

“And as difficult as this year was… You know, if it wasn’t for everything that happened…next year, all the plans that we have for the series, the movies, the albums, the collaborations with other labels and production houses. I don’t think it would have been possible,” James Reid said. 

Sources: (1), (2)

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