1 | Sambong (Blumea camphor)
Blumea balsamifera | Family: Asteraceae Sambong is a known herbal medicine for patients with Kidney stones. It is a wild aromatic shrub that grows in tropical climate areas such as the Philippines, India, Africa, and in the eastern Himalayas. Its ngai or Blumea camphor is also known for treating wounds, cuts, rheumatism, colds, coughs, and even act as anti-diarrhea and anti spasms. The sambong’s roots and leaves, when pounded, can be used in treating fevers and headaches. Drinking sambong tea, on the other hand, can cure colds and coughs. Its juice can also be applied to remedy cuts and wounds.2 | Akapulko (Acapulco/Ringworm bush)
Cassia alata | Family: Leguminosae Acapulco shrub can be found anywhere in the Philippines have to have different names in various languages in the region, one of which is palochina. The leaves have the most medicinal value and treat skin diseases such as Tinea infection, insect bites, ringworms, eczema, scabies and it can soothe itchiness. Internal use of this herbal medicine includes treating bronchitis and dyspnoea; relieving symptoms of asthma; also, as a laxative to purge out intestinal parasites and other stomach problems. Moreover, it is also good in treating cough and fever. Note: It is not advisable for pregnant women to take any Acapulco leaves extractions for it could induce abortion.3 | Ampalaya (Bitter gourd)
Momordica charantia | Family: Cucurbitaceae Probably one of the most familiar on the list is Ampalaya, which is widely grown in Asia, Africa, and the Carribean which are tropical and subtropical zones. It is mostly used in meal preparation along with eggs, fish, and other meat dishes. Unfortunately, its bitter taste drives kids away from the dining table, ignoring its nutritional value. One of the reasons why DOH endorses this vegetable because of its power to heal patients with diabetes. Ampalaya contains a hypoglycemic polypeptide— plant insulin that is responsible for lowering the blood sugar. Other health benefits include treating hemorrhoids, coughs, and anti-inflammatory; body detoxification and removal of nicotine; and strengthening the immune system and fertility regulation.4 | Bawang (Garlic)
Allium sativum | Family: Amaryllidaceae Apart from being a staple alternative medicine in the country, Garlic has always been very useful in the kitchen as well. Studies have proven its healing abilities against infections with its anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory components. Furthermore, it is also known for lowering down cholesterol and blood pressure levels. Plus, it’s a good booster for the immune system.5 | Bayabas (Guava – leaves)
Psidium guajava | Family: Myrtaceae It’s not only vegetables who have the magical ability of healing. Fruits, too, can offer the same. Guava or locally known as bayabas is one, especially its leaves, can serve as first aid to open wounds. It contains antibacterial and anti-allergy properties that soothe the wound, and it also keeps our intestines healthy.6 | Lagundi (Five-leaved chaste tree)
Vitex negundo | Family: Lamiaceae Before it became a common ingredient in cough syrups and capsules, Lagundi is already widely used by Filipinos in treating wounds and as pain medication for centuries. Each part of this herbal plant has been utilized in curing various ailments: Lagundi leaves are used to ease headaches and cleanses ulcer; its seeds can treat skin diseases; flowers can heal numerous diseases like diarrhea and cholera; meanwhile, its black fruit, when dried and consumed, can relieve and regulate any intestinal discomfort; and lastly, the roots of Lagundi can be used in treating rheumatism and dysentery. Several clinical trials have already tested and validated its effectiveness, especially in treating respiratory diseases such as asthma.7 | Niyog-niyogan (Rangoon creeper)
Combretum indicum | Family: Combretaceae Commonly mistaken as coconut, Niyog-niyogan is a type of vine that washes away intestinal parasites due to its deworming properties. Similarly, it can treat headaches, diarrhea, fever, and painful urination.8 | Tsaang gubat (Scorpion bush)
Ehretia microphylla | Family: Boraginaceae Also known as wild tea, this herbal plant is used to treat skin allergies like eczema, scabies, and itchiness after childbirth. The plant also contains properties that can treat mild psoriasis. Based on clinical research, tea extraction may also improve symptoms of allergic rhinitis (Chua & Umali, 2017).9 | Pansit-pansitan/ulasimang bato (Clear weed/silver bush)
Peperomia pellucida | Family: Piperaceae Usually mixed as part of a salad, Pansit-pansitan is said to be good in treating arthritis and gout. Aside from that, it can cure several health conditions like abscesses, abdominal pain, skin sores, conjunctivitis, measles, and kidney stones. Some studies have described that this herb as antimicrobial, cytotoxic, and antidiabetic.10 | Yerba buena (Mint)
Clinopodium douglasii | Family: Lamiaceae It is one of the oldest household remedies known in the Philippines. The tea concoction of Yerba Buena can act as an analgesic to alleviate body aches, including pain caused by rheumatism and gout. This herbal plant can also relieve aches on the tooth and stomach.11 | Malunggay (Horseradish tree/Drumstick tree)
Moringa oleifera | Family: Moringaceae Malunggay is not only the superfood of the Filipinos but also considered as a miracle tree around the globe. It contains a lot of nutritional and medicinal components that can treat various ailments and diseases. Some of its nutritional properties include phosphorus, iron, potassium, calcium, and vitamins A and C. Usually served as soup mixed with chicken or fish, Malunggay can also be consumed raw. Here are some of the health benefits of Malunggay:- anti-inflammatory/anti-tumor
- Anti-asthma (seeds)
- Antibiotic
- Antioxidant
- Anti-ulcer
- Antidiabetic (leaves)
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12 | Tawa-Tawa (Asthma Plant)
Euphorbia hirta | Family: Euphorbiaceae Despite its effectivity in treating dengue fever patients, Health Undersecretary Rolando Enrique Domingo clarified that Tawa-tawa, at the mean time, is registered as a supplement, not therapeutic. “It still has a lot of clinical trials to go through before its therapeutic value can be approved,” Domingo said in an article by Manila Bulletin. It increases blood platelet count, maintains the upper respiratory, and boosts the immune system.13 | Banaba (Giant crape myrtle)
Lagerstroemia speciosa | Family: Lythraceae Commonly used as a supplement for diabetes and kidney failure, Banaba help regulate blood pressure, aids the digestive system, helps ease urination, and fights down obesity. According to popular belief, Banaba as well can prevent constipation, kidney inflammation, and urinary dysfunctions. Moreover, it contains high concentrations of dietary fiber and minerals such as zinc and magnesium. Some even boil the Banaba leaves to serve as tea.***
Take note: Although these herbal plants have been tested and proven by many generations, it is still, however, not necessarily always safe. That is why consulting a professional expert is highly advisable. —
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