Home Entertainment Sabrina Carpenter Meets Andrea Brillantes during Manila Tour

Sabrina Carpenter Meets Andrea Brillantes during Manila Tour

sabrina carpenter meets andrea brillantes

MANILA, PHILIPPINES — Sabrina Carpenter performs in Manila for her “Emails I Can’t Send” tour and meets Andrea Brillantes who caught her attention!

New Frontier Theater posted on their Instagram of the interaction the two had. In the video, Sabrina sees Brillantes and is intrigued by her saying, “Why is she mad? I wanna know!” She extends the mic to Brillantes and she responds “I think they know!”

Brillantes mentions that her reputation was ruined because of a certain person and she hasn’t told anyone about her side as of yet. 

The Filipina actress shared her story with the idol as she shakes about the challenges she is facing with the haters. 

Brillantes shares that she loves Sabrina’s songs because she feels like it’s speaking to others for her. 

As Brillantes was sharing her story, Sabrina asks “Oh, it’s a guy? No sh**, it’s always a guy- I’m kidding, I’m kidding.” The crowd talks over as she speaks and Sabrina asks, “Say, what? You all know this guy?” The audience all answers in unison saying “yes.” 

“Is he here?” Sabrina asks as she got curious. She wondered how big Manila is since everybody knew who the guy was. When everyone said “no” because the guy was not there, all Sabrina said was “Well, he doesn’t have good taste,” as he didn’t go to her concert. 

Sabrina then continues to talk about what happens in her concert after she sings her songs and the video cuts. 

Check out the video above to see what happened!


Source: (1)

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