Home Guide How to join the Philippine Army as an Officer?

How to join the Philippine Army as an Officer?

How to join the Philippine Army as an Officer

Joining the army is a very honorable job, respected by everyone. However, with the increase in conflicts worldwide, the Philippine Army has implemented an excellent call to action as they are looking to recruit 400 officers to serve the nation. Listed are the requirements and procedures on how to join the Philippine Army as an officer and their respective duties.

Roles of A Philippine Army Officer

The Philippine Army is responsible for defending the nation from foreign attacks and insurgents. They mainly focus on land combat and operations, with support from other military branches. 

As an officer in the Philippine Army, your main job is to oversee the operations and ensure it’s a success. Additionally, officers formulate plans and maintain the command structure as they get deployed to avoid miscommunications.

Officers often have a degree in higher education since it’s vital for them to be able to operate when communications are cut. Furthermore, the additional education acquired during college will help the officer in critical thinking and aid in proper decision-making.

Fields of Specialization

Army officers are given roles with different specializations depending on their bachelor’s degree. The following is a breakdown of their functions.

InfantryOpen for all courses
Army Intelligence OfficerAB Political Science
AB International Studies
BS Psychology
IT Courses
BS Education
All other courses
Army EngineerBS Civil Engineering
BS Electrical Engineering
BS Geodetic Engineering
BS Architecture
Communication and Information OfficerBS Electronics and Communications Engineering 
BS Computer Science
BS Computer Engineering
BS Information Technology or Information Systems related courses
Logistics OfficerBS Mechanical Engineering
BS Chemical Engineering
BS Industrial Engineering
Logistics Related Courses
Business Related Courses
Supply Management and Supply Chain Management
IT Courses
All other courses
Finance OfficerBS Accountancy
BS Financial Management
BS Banking and Finance
BS Business Administration
BS Economics
Human Resource OfficerBS Human Resource Management
BS Psychology
BS Education
Law Related courses

Infantry Officer

The infantry is the basic unit of an army. Their main job is to defend the country by repelling attacks, capturing strategic areas, and destroying enemy forces. They are the ones that implement the operations as the hands and feet of the military. 

As the name suggests, the Infantry Officer is in charge of commanding infantry soldiers. Here, situational awareness is essential for coordinating attacks, defense, and other ground-based operations such as rescue and extraction.

Army Intelligence Officer

Information is the key to any successful operation. However, it becomes useless even with enough information if not processed correctly.

Army Intelligence Officers are the ones in charge of planning whole operations. They oversee the entire battlefield and control its outcomes. Policies and standard procedures are developed and executed by the Intelligence Officers to facilitate intelligence functions. 

Communications And Information Officer

Information gathering and dissemination is an essential aspect of every field operation. Without it, disorder is guaranteed on the ground, with soldiers unable to perform effectively.

Information Officers conduct information warfare, gathering data that form the backbone of their plans and trying to sabotage their enemies by releasing false data.  

The Communications Officers are responsible for adequately disseminating data, maintaining its network, and innovations for effective intelligence gathering and transmission.

Logistics Officer

Proper logistics is the backbone of every military operation. Even advanced weaponry is useless if it doesn’t reach your infantry. Moreover, supply and rations maintain an army since no army marches on an empty stomach.

The job of a Logistics officer is to oversee the deployment of troops and equipment to their proper destination, create an inventory of the army’s arsenal, and maintain an effective distribution system for smooth operations on the field.

Finance Officer

Money is necessary to keep the army fed and mobilized. Without funds, proper resources will be lacking and keep the army paralyzed.

The Finance Officer keeps track of the entire army’s funds and controls its flow. They are responsible for every money transaction, such as purchasing rations and equipment and distributing the soldiers’ salaries.

Human Resource Officer

Human resources are essential in all organizations, especially public service. 

The job of the Human Resource Officer is to maintain the soldiers’ well-being and to assist the commanders by keeping the soldiers combat-ready. They are also in charge of all matters relating to interpersonal relations, such as conflicts and misunderstandings.

Steps and Requirements To Be Qualified For Officer Training

As previously stated, a degree in higher education is required. The applicant must not have any parental obligation and no pending case in any court. A height of 5 feet is needed, and you must also be physically and mentally fit. They must be natural-born Filipinos between 21-26 years old and not older than 27 at the start of the training.

The steps below show the application process for joining the Philippine Army.

  1. Apply and complete the Registration Process through this website: https://join.army.mil.ph/, They must collect the following documents listed below:
    • College Diploma
    • Transcript of Records
    • PSA Birth Certificate
    • Any Government Issued ID (Philhealth, National ID, SSS ID, Driver’s License)
  2. Take the required exams, which are listed below:
  3. Pass the initial board interview.
  4. Pass the following Physical Fitness Test:
    • 2 minutes Push-Up
    • 2 minutes Sit-Up
    • 2 miles Run
  5. Pass Physical Medical Exam.
    • You may take the medical exam at the nearest Military Station Hospital for FREE.
  6. Pass the final Board Interview.
  7. Oath Taking.

Benefits Of Joining The Philippine Army

Being part of the Philippine Army offers several benefits to ensure every member feels rewarded for their services. Applicants must be aware that they’ll receive the following once officially recruited:

  • Stable job security;
  • Access to various healthcare services
  • Billeting and housing privileges; and
  • Local/international study opportunities.

What’s more. The pay and allowances are as follows:

  • Officer Candidate starts at Php 45,556.00
  • 2nd Lieutenants start at Php 51,879.00

Contact Information

For more information, reach the following offices:

Region:Email:Contact Number:Facebook:
VisayasGeneral Contact Number:
(032) 231-5157
Panay Island: 0969-122-0310
Negros Island: 0916-346-4093
Samar/Leyte Island:

Final Thoughts

Being part of such an honorable occupation has tons of benefits and privileges. The Philippine Army offers these since the army is a vital part of any nation. A happy soldier is likely to perform his duties better than a soldier dissatisfied with his standing. Serve our country as part of the army today! – WhatALife!

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