Are you having problems with your savings account? or maybe have your card captured by a machine? What about missing money, losing your ATM, or having some unusual activity on your account? If you’re unfortunately experiencing either of these problems (or any issues regarding your bank account), it is always best to contact your bank service provider as soon as possible.
Even before the pandemic, most banks did not have 24-hour service on the phone, mobile text, email, or chat. So make sure to contact them between 8 AM to 5 PM (regular office hours) from Mondays to Fridays to reach them out.
Below is a list of Bank Customer Service contact numbers, hotlines, and-or customer support in the Philippines that you can call in case of emergency or concerns.
Asia United Bank (AUB)
Trunkline (02) 8631-3333 / (02) 8638-6888
Domestic Toll-Free Number 1-800-10-282-8888
Customer Service Contact Center (during office hours) 828 8888 /
For Lost ATM Card and ATM Card Blocking (after office hours) 8282-8888 choose Option 1 /
Banco de Oro (BDO)
Trunkline (+632) 8840-7000
Metro Manila Contact Center (+632) 8631-8000
Domestic Toll-Free 1800-10-631-8000 (PLDT) / 1800-3-631-8000 (Digitel) / 1800-5-631-8000 (Bayantel) / 1800-8-631-8000 (Globelines) / AMEX: 1-800-10-8141700 (PLDT)
Email Address
Customer Service Hotline 8631-8000
Report Lost or Stolen ATM card 8631-8000
Bank of the Philippine Islands (BPI)
Trunkline (+632) 889-10000
Domestic Long Distance (+632) 889-10000
Mobile Phones (+632) 889-10000
Domestic Toll-free Number (PLDT) (+632) 1-800-188-89-100
Email Address
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