Home News Local Cagayan de Oro won gold medal award for TB Program

Cagayan de Oro won gold medal award for TB Program


GOOD NEWS! Cagayan de Oro won gold medal award for having the highest-population testing rate for its TB Program in Northern Mindanao.

Through its Tuberculosis Program, the City Health Office of Cagayan de Oro won the gold medal for having the highest-population testing rate in Northern Mindanao on Wednesday, March 24.

The award was given during the Regional Awards for the National TB Program hosted by the Department of Health and World Health Organization in its virtual celebration for 2021 World TB Day.

Cagayan de Oro recorded 1 percent of the population testing rate compared to the entire country with a 2 percent population rate. The city also garnered an 88 percent success rate for Region 10 and won the gold medal for the highest Drug-Resistant TB treatment.

Meanwhile, in showing the city’s commitment to global solidarity in ending Tuberculosis, some city health personnel conducted a “TB awareness at sundown” by lighting the Gaston Park fountain with steady red light on March 24.


—(Source: City Information Office)

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