Home “What’s Wrong With Secretary Kim?” PH Series Finale Leaves Fans Wanting More

“What’s Wrong With Secretary Kim?” PH Series Finale Leaves Fans Wanting More

whats wrong with secretary kim ph series finale leaves fans wanting more

The highly anticipated finale of the Philippine adaptation of “What’s Wrong With Secretary Kim?” (WWWSK) streamed on June 11, 2024, leaving fans exhilarated and craving more. Premiering on March 18 on Viu, the series captivated audiences with its heartwarming romance and comedic moments, brilliantly brought to life by Kim Chiu and Paulo Avelino, known as “KimPau.”

The chemistry between Kim and Paulo has been a highlight, exceeding expectations and creating a frenzy among fans. One memorable moment was Paulo’s character, BMC, holding Secretary Kim’s wrist instead of her hand—a gesture signifying an intense, unbreakable connection.

The intense kissing scenes, particularly the passionate closet scene, left netizens swooning. Fans have widely discussed these moments online, expressing their admiration for the leads’ palpable chemistry. Tashanda, a fan, tweeted, “Dear @Viu_PH, thank you for the perfect adaptation of What’s Wrong With Secretary Kim. We are not ready for it to end. Please bigyan nyo kami ng pangmalakasang BTS. KIMPAU WWWSK FINALE.”

Kim Chiu acknowledged the support from fans, while Paulo Avelino praised Kim’s work ethic. Their camaraderie and mutual respect were evident throughout the series. During a media gathering, Chiu expressed amusement and gratitude for the playful matchmaking efforts by netizens.

With a supporting cast including Janice De Belen, Romnick Sarmenta, and Angeline Quinto, the series has captured hearts and laughter, making it a standout adaptation. The finale may have concluded the series, but it solidified KimPau’s status as a beloved on-screen pairing. With KimPau’s beautiful delivery of the WWWSK finale, fans eagerly anticipate more projects featuring the two.

Sources: (1)

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