Home Lifestyle Health & Wellness Taking Care Of Your Mental Health Amidst A Global Pandemic

Taking Care Of Your Mental Health Amidst A Global Pandemic

All across the globe, families, and communities are required to undergo some form of social distancing, whether that’s a community quarantine or a total lockdown. And by doing our part, we’re not only contributing to the prevention of the coronavirus’ spread, but we’re also decreasing the stigma around the individuals who have been diagnosed with the disease. After all, it’s important to keep in mind that they’re more than people who are simply sick. Still, it’s understandable that this was an unexpected change in our day to day living. For some more than others, this can easily take a toll on a person’s mental health. Therefore, it’s best that you not only stay physically healthy but mentally healthy as well during these trying times. Here are a few tips for taking care of your mental health during this home quarantine period.  

Limit your exposure to internet news

There’s a fine line between staying informed and overwhelming yourself with all the facts around the pandemic. Unfortunately, the line is even thinner for some individuals. Consuming too much negative news while in a state where we’re more likely to be susceptible to anxious thoughts can’t be good for you. Instead, dedicate a certain amount of time where you stay caught up on recent events, then close that article, put your phone down, and leave it alone. When you’re browsing, stay on the lookout for any positive news as well, like how IT professionals are 3D printing Personal Protective Equipment for medical practitioners and other frontliners.  

Create stability

Establish pleasant and livable routines to get you through each day. Because while the current situation is indefinitely temporary, it can be helpful to accept that this is your new normal for now. Keep up with your exercise schedule. Follow the best hygiene practices. Have emergency supplies available without hoarding more than you need.  

Learn from those around you

Medical professionals across the globe share their research findings on the effectiveness of quarantine and other preventative measures. Check out how others are coping with the entire situation given their living conditions and find a way to adjust it to make it appropriate for yours. In your own way, you can also give back and provide advice as well.  

Offer and accept help

Check up on your friends and family, especially on those who may not be used to extended periods of physical division and distance. Keep in mind that extroverted people are more likely to feel deprived of social interaction, ultimately putting them at a greater risk of suffering from loneliness and its side effects. Reach out and help them connect through online communities that match their interests. Be strong in the moments you can, but don’t beat yourself up when you can’t. Know that there are shoulders you can lean on for support. Do your best to stay in the present. Think less about tomorrow, next week, the following month, and certainly not about the unforeseen future. And when you feel that you’re struggling with thoughts of your lost possible selves, do a few grounding exercises.   — You may be familiar with Robert Frost’s famous line, “the only way out is through.” In this case, the only way to put an end to this pandemic is to see it through by following the right preventative measures, supporting those who are working towards the completion of its vaccines and cure and aiding the recovery of its victims. To follow with that statement, Renowned author John Green also reminds us that, “the only way through it together.” Battling a global pandemic may be one of the most difficult tasks for humanity, but putting an end to it isn’t impossible when we work together.  


  • https://www.pih.org/article/10-mental-health-tips-coronavirus-social-distancing
  • https://www.cnbc.com/2020/03/20/coronavirus-tips-for-protecting-your-mental-health-during-quarantine.html

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