Home Guide Salary Grade in the Philippines 2022 

Salary Grade in the Philippines 2022 

salary grade philippines 2022

Below is the latest salary grade in the Philippines in 2022.

Salary Grade Table for Government Employees in the Philippines 2022

The important thing you need to know: 

  • Part-time employees are paid in proportion to the amount of hours they work. A part-time employee who works four hours per day is paid half of the rate that corresponds to his or her salary grade and step.
  • Casual workers who are subject to the “No Work, No Pay” policy have their daily wage calculated by dividing their monthly salary by 22 working days.

Salary Grade 2022 Table (Effective: January 1, 2022)

Salary   GradeStep 1Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Step 6Step 7Step 8
213,30513,406 13,509 13,613 13,718 13,823 13,929 14,035
314,12514,234 14,343 14,454 14,565 14,676 14,790 14,903
414,993 15,109 15,224 15,341 15,459 15,57715,698 15,818
515,909 16,032 16,155 16,279 16,404 16,530 16,657 16,784 
616,87717,00717,137 17,269 17,402 17,535 17,670 17,806
717,899 18,037 18,176 18,315 18,455 18,598 18,740 18,884 
818,998 19,17019,343 19,518 19,694 19,872 20,052 20,233 
920,402 20,572 20,745 20,918 21,093 21,269 21,447 21,626 
1022,190 22,37622,563 22,752 22,942 23,134 23,327 23,522 
1125,439 25,723 26,012 26,304 26,600 26,901 27,205 27,514 
1227,60827,892 28,180 28,471 28,766 29,065 29,367 29,673
1329,79830,111 30,42730,74731,072 31,400 31,732 32,069
1432,32132,665 33,013 33,366 33,722 34,083 34,449 34,819 
1535,097 35,475 35,858 36,246 36,638 37,035 37,437 37,845 
1638,15038,566 38,987 39,413 39,845 40,282 40,72541,172 
1741,508 41,966 42,429 42,898 43,373 43,854 44,340 44,833
1845,203 45,706 46,216 46,731 47,25447,783 48,318 48,860
1949,835 50,57451,325 52,088 52,86453,652 54,454 55,268 
2055,799 56,63357,48258,344 59,221 60,112 61,017 61,937
2162,449 63,392 64,351 65,325 66,316 67,322 68,345 69,385 
2269,963 71,029 72,11373,214 74,333 75,471 76,627 77,801
2378,455 79,659 80,884 82,133 83,474 84,836 86,220 87,628
2488,41089,853 91,320 92,810 94,325 95,865 97,430 99,020 
25100,788 102,433104,105 105,804 107,531109,286111,070 112,88
26113,891 115,749 117,639 119,558 121,510 123,493 125,508 127,557 
27128,696130,797 132,931 135,101137,306139,547141,825144,140
28145,427147,800 150,213152,664 155,155 157,689160,262 162,877 
29164,332 167,015169,740172,511175,326178,188181,096184,052
30185,695188,726191,806 194,937 198,118201,352 204,638207,978
31273,278278,615284,057 289,605 295,262301,028 306,908312,902 
32325,807332,378339,080 345,918 352,894360,011367,272374,678 
33411,382 423,723

What is the Salary Grade?

A salary grade (SG) is a number that indicates how much money a government employee receives on a monthly basis. The Philippine government has salary grades ranging from 1 to 33, with 33 receiving the highest compensation.

What is the Salary Step?

Each salary grade contains eight steps (excluding SG 33, which has only two steps) that correlate to an employee’s basic salary based on how long he or she has worked in a specific position.

All newly hired government employees, regardless of salary grade, begin at Step 1, which is the minimum pay rate. Employees advance to the next salary level after three years of continuous satisfactory service in their current positions.

Salary Grades of Different Government Positions

Constitutional Officials/Executive Category

These elected or appointed officials have the highest positions in the government and are thus assigned the highest salary grades.

The President of the Republic of the Philippines, as the country’s highest-ranking government official, earns the highest salary grade of 33.

Professional Supervisory

Salary grades 9 to 33 are assigned to government personnel who have a management position in their agency.

Professional Non-Supervisory

Salary grades 8 to 30 are assigned to positions that demand the practice of a certain profession or extensive knowledge of the arts or sciences.

Sub-Professional Supervisory

Salary grades 4 to 18 are assigned to supervisors of workers performing manual, clerical, or technical jobs.

Sub-Professional Non-Supervisory

Salary grades 1 to 10 are assigned to workers performing manual, repetitive, or routine work and are elementary/high school/vocational graduates or college undergraduates. – WhatALife!

Source: (dbm.gov.ph)

Also read: LIST: Salary Grade in the Philippines 2021

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