Home Guide Requirements for Japan Multiple-Entry Visa 2024

Requirements for Japan Multiple-Entry Visa 2024

requirements for japan multiple entry visa 2024

Estimated reading time: 9 minutes

Japan beckons with its rich culture, vibrant cities, and stunning landscapes. Hence, for those seeking the freedom to explore the country multiple times, Japan offers multiple-entry visas. The multiple-entry visa for Japan caters to various purposes like tourism, business, or visiting relatives. Delve into this comprehensive guide to understand the requirements and procedures to ensure seamless journeys and endless discoveries in the Land of the Rising Sun.

Japan’s multiple-entry visa system allows travelers to visit the country several times within a specified period. With different criteria and documentation for various types of multiple-entry visas, applicants must navigate the requirements diligently to secure their travel privileges.

General Notes: Essential Guidelines for Visa Applicants

Before getting into the specific requirements for each type of multiple-entry visa, it’s important to grasp the general guidelines outlined by the Embassy of Japan. From document validity to size specifications, adherence to these regulations ensures a smooth application process. 

Common Requirements

  • Original documents from the Philippines are required, unless specified otherwise.
    • Photocopies of documents from Japan are acceptable, but originals may be requested if necessary.
    • Documents submitted will not be returned; applicants can request the return of originals along with photocopies.
  • Document validity: within 3 months of issuance (except Birth/Marriage Certificate, valid for 1 year).
  • Documents must be A4 size; staple-free. Translation into English or Japanese is necessary for documents in other languages.
  • Additional documents may be requested through the accredited agency; failure to submit within 1 month may result in application termination.


  • Must be intact, with two blank pages for visa issuance.

Visa Application Form

  • Fill in English; use “N/A” for non-applicable items.
  • Date of application: submission date to accredited agency or embassy.
japan multiple entry visa form
Sample Visa Form (1/2)
japan multiple entry visa form
Sample Visa Form (2/2)

Facial Photo

  • Size: 4.5 x 3.5 cm, taken within 6 months.
  • Glue photo onto designated space on the form; clear, white background required.
  • Write full name and date of birth on the back; digitally modified photos are not accepted.

Itinerary in Japan

  • Include entry/departure dates and accommodation details.
  • Daily itinerary required; similar activities over consecutive days can be grouped.

Letter of Guarantee

  • If multiple applicants share a guarantor, list the representative’s name and attach a list of all applicants.

Invitation Letter

  • Provide specific details about the purpose and background of the invitation.
  • Supporting documents may be required, depending on the invitation’s purpose.

Income Certificate/Tax Certificate/Copy of Final Tax Return Forms

  • Must be the latest documents available at the time of application.
  • Tax payment certificate must specify total income amount.
  • Final Tax Return Forms must bear the acceptance stamp of the tax office.

Residence Certificate

  • Must list all household members without omission; omit Individual Number and Residence Certificate Code.

Baptismal Certificate

  • Include church’s contact information, preferably a landline number.

Employment Certificate

  • Include position, tenure, income, and certifier’s contact details.

Certificate of Business Registration

  • Photocopy of Certificate of Registration issued by DTI or SEC.

Travel Order/Dispatch Letter

  • Specify trip purpose and duration of stay.

Multiple-Entry Visa for Temporary Visitors

For temporary visitors eager to explore Japan’s myriad attractions, the multiple-entry visa offers unparalleled flexibility. With a duration of stay limited to 30 days per visit, applicants must meet specific conditions outlined by the embassy. 

Common Requirements

  1. Passport (with holder’s signature)
  2. Japan Multiple Entry Visa Application Form (with a facial photo of 4.5×3.5cm attached).
  3. Request for Multiple-Entry Visa Japan
  4. PSA issued Birth Certificate and Marriage Certificate (if married, issued within 1 year)
    • Unnecessary if a Japan Visa is already present in the passport.
    • Additional Requirements:
      • If (4) is unreadable, submit certificates from the Local Civil Registrar.
      • For “LATE REGISTRATION” Birth Certificates, include Baptismal Certificate and School Record (Form 137).
      • If there is no record in PSA, submit a Birth Certificate from the Local Civil Registrar and Negative Certificate from PSA.
  5. Itinerary in Japan
  6. Applicant’s Bank Certificate (showing balance within the last six months)
    • If Average Daily Balance (ADB) in the last six months is not indicated, submit bank statements to prove transactions.
  7. Applicant’s Tax Payment Certificate (Form 2316, signed by Employer and Employee)
    • For business owners, include proof of actual tax payment in addition to the BIR Tax Payment Certificate Form (copy acceptable).
  8. Applicant’s Employment Certificate (indicating period of employment, salary, and position)
    • For business owners, include DTI Certificate of Business Name Registration and Mayor’s Permit from City Hall.
    • If unable to submit (7) and (8) due to specific reasons, provide a letter of explanation.
    • For students, submit a copy of School ID or Certificate of Enrollment.

Conditions and Specific Requirements

I. Applicants who traveled to Japan as temporary visitors in the last 3 years and have financial capacity:

  • Must have a used visa in the passport or old/expired passports with a used Japan Visa. 

II. Applicants who traveled to Japan (as temporary visitors) and G7 countries (except Japan) several times in the last 3 years:

  • Must have used visas and landing permissions in the passport for both Japan and G7 countries (except Japan).

III. Applicants with sufficient financial capacity:

  • The Embassy examines and determines whether the applicant falls under “Multiple-Entry Visa for Temporary Visitor” or “Multiple-Entry Visa Temporary Visitor Visa for Philippine Nationals with Considerable Financial Capacity.” 

IV. Spouse/Child of “III” (Applicant with sufficient financial capacity):

  • Provide proof of relationship and relevant passport and visa documents, along with documents (6), (7), and (8) of “III” above.

Multiple-Entry Temporary Visitor Visa for Philippine Nationals with Considerable Financial Capacity

Philippine nationals with substantial financial capacity have the opportunity to elevate their travel experiences with an extended multiple-entry visa. With a duration of stay of up to 90 days per visit, this visa category caters to individuals with considerable income levels. However, stringent documentation, including bank certificates, tax payment certificates, and employment certificates, signifies the embassy’s scrutiny in assessing applicants’ eligibility.

Common Requirements

  1. Passport (with holder’s signature)
  2. Japan Multiple Entry Visa Application Form (with a facial photo of 4.5×3.5cm attached).
  3. Request for Multiple-Entry Visa Japan
  4. PSA issued Birth Certificate and Marriage Certificate (if married, issued within 1 year)
    • Unnecessary if a Japan Visa is already present in the passport.
    • Additional Requirements:
      • If (4) is unreadable, submit certificates from the Local Civil Registrar.
      • For “LATE REGISTRATION” Birth Certificates, include Baptismal Certificate and School Record (Form 137).
      • If there is no record in PSA, submit a Birth Certificate from the Local Civil Registrar and Negative Certificate from PSA.
  1. Itinerary in Japan

Conditions and Specific Requirements

I. Applicant with considerable income:

  1. Applicant’s Bank Certificate (showing balance within the last six months).
  2. Applicant’s Tax Payment Certificate issued by Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR).
  3. Applicant’s Employment Certificate (indicating period, salary, and position).
  • For business owners, submit the Department of Trade and Industry “Certificate of Business Name Registration” and Mayor’s Permit.
  • If unable to submit Tax Payment Certificate and Employment Certificate, provide a letter of explanation.

II. Spouse or Child of (I):

  1. Proof of relationship.
  2. Passport and multiple entry visa copy of (I).
  • For students, include a copy of School ID or Certificate of Enrollment in School.

Multiple-Entry Visa for Business Purposes and Cultural or Intellectual Figures

Business travelers and cultural or intellectual figures seeking frequent entry into Japan for professional engagements can avail themselves of this specialized visa category. With varying validity periods and duration of stay options, applicants must meet specific eligibility criteria tailored to their respective purposes.

A. Eligibility for Applicant

  • Philippine nationals eligible under categories A1 or A2, along with their spouses or children.
  • Visa validity: 1, 3, 5, or 10 years with a period of stay ranging from 15 to 90 days.
  • Initially for business purposes but can be used for other purposes like tourism or visiting relatives from the second visit onwards.

1. Business Purpose

  • Eligible individuals include regular employees of:
    1. Public (government) enterprises
    2. Private companies listed on stock exchanges (including Japan and third countries)
    3. Japanese-affiliated companies that are members of the Japan Chamber of Commerce and have a management base in Japan
    4. Joint venture companies, subsidiaries, or branch offices of listed companies (including Japan and third countries)
    5. Private companies with consistent business transactions with Japanese companies listed on stock exchanges
    6. Private companies among the Top 1,000 corporations in the Philippines by gross revenue
  • Also eligible are individuals with: 7. Travel records to Japan for business purposes and to G7 countries (except Japan) in the last three years 8. More than three travel records to Japan for business purposes in the last three years

2. Cultural or Intellectual Figures, etc.

  • Eligible individuals include:
    1. Artists (Fine Art, Literary Art, Music, Stage Play, Dance, etc.), specialists in humanities (Literature, Law, Economics, etc.), or scientists (Technology, Medicine, etc.) with relevant accomplishments
    2. Lawyers, certified public accountants, patent attorneys, judicial scriveners, notaries, medical doctors with national or international qualifications actively working in their respective positions
    3. Amateur sports players with relevant accomplishments
    4. Full-time professors, assistant professors, or lecturers of universities or colleges
    5. Directors or higher positions in national or public research institutions or museums
    6. Senators, Congressmen, Governors/Vice-Governors of Provinces, City Mayors, Bishops of the Roman Catholic Church, government officials, local assemblymen, or local government officials

B. Requirements

  1. Passport (with holder’s signature)
  2. Japan Multiple Entry Visa Application Form (with a facial photo of 4.5×3.5cm attached).
  3. Request for Multiple-Entry Visa Japan
  4. Employment Certificate (including salary, tenure, and position) – If self-employed, submit Certificate of Business Registration
  5. Documents proving qualification for one of the categories in A1 or A2

Specific Requirements

  • A1 (Business Purpose):
    • Document explaining the necessity of multiple visas (e.g., Letter of mission or travel requisition by employer)
    • For A1 (7) or (8): Current or old passport with used visa and entry stamps of Japan or G7 countries
  • A2 (Cultural or Intellectual Figures):
    • Photocopy of ID card issued by Profession Regulation Commission
    • For “Lawyers” of A2 (2): Photocopy of membership card issued by Integrated Bar of the Philippines
  • Spouse/Child of A1 or A2:
    • Marriage Certificate/Birth Certificate issued by PSA
    • If applying separately: Photocopy of his/her passport (Pages of ID and Japanese multiple-entry visa)

Final Thoughts

As aspirants embark on the journey to secure Japan’s multiple-entry visas, meticulous preparation and adherence to requirements pave the way for unforgettable adventures. Whether traversing Japan’s bustling metropolises, delving into its cultural tapestry, or forging business partnerships, the multiple-entry visa unlocks a world of opportunities. 

Sources: (1), (2), (3), (4), (5)

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