Home News Local Number of jobless Filipinos decreases to 7.9 million in 2023

Number of jobless Filipinos decreases to 7.9 million in 2023

number of jobless filipinos decreases to 7 9 million in 2023

MANILA, Philippines – Social Weather Station (SWS) announces that the number of jobless Filipinos decreased to 7.9 million based on their September 2023 survey. 

The survey results on the day following the Sept. 28 to Oct. 1 polling period indicated that the adult joblessness rate stood at 16.9 percent of the adult labor force. This percentage accounts for individuals presently unemployed and actively seeking employment. 

According to the most recent Social Weather Stations (SWS) survey, the labor participation rate has increased to 63.3 percent, representing an estimated 46.5 million individuals. This marks a rise from the June figure of 61.5 percent, which encompassed about 45.3 million people.

Adults experiencing joblessness include those who willingly left their previous positions, individuals seeking employment for the first time, and those who lost their jobs due to economic factors beyond their control or were subjected to retrenchment.

The polling organization observed that the 5.8-point decrease in the national joblessness rate was attributed to declines in all regions, with the most significant reduction recorded in Balance Luzon at 20.8 percent, followed by Metro Manila at 19.2 percent, Mindanao at 12.4 percent, and the Visayas at 12.2 percent.

In contrast to June 2023 figures, urban joblessness saw a decline from 24.7 percent, while rural joblessness dropped from 21.0 percent.

In the September 2023 survey, adult joblessness was slightly more pronounced in urban areas, standing at 18.0 percent, compared to 15.7 percent in rural areas.

Consistently, the age group of 18 to 24 years old has exhibited the highest joblessness rate at 34.4 percent when compared to other age brackets.

When analyzed by gender, joblessness remained more elevated among female respondents at 21 percent compared to male respondents at 14 percent.

Sources: (1),(2)

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