Home News No Pets Left Behind: Tips for Fur Parents During Natural Calamities

No Pets Left Behind: Tips for Fur Parents During Natural Calamities

no pets left behind tips for fur parents during natural calamities 1

The Philippines is currently facing the Carina super typhoon, resulting in widespread flooding across various regions. Many residents have evacuated to higher ground and safer areas, with pet owners bringing their furry companions along to sheltered locations. If you’re a fur parent yourself, here are some essential tips for evacuating with your fur babies to ensure no pets are left behind.

Manila was recently declared a State of Calamity due to severe weather, and several other provinces received the same designation.

  • Bataan
  • Bulacan
  • Rizal
  • Batangas

Pet Evacuation Tips

Given the current situation, several international organizations have voiced concerns for the Philippines, particularly regarding the safety and well-being of both people and animals.

If you have a pet, here are some essential tips to apply during typhoon periods.

Have an Evacuation Plan with Your Pets in Mind

As fur parents, it’s our responsibility to ensure our pets’ safety, especially during natural disasters. One key aspect of your evacuation plan should be to prepare a kit with their essentials, including:

  • Water and food bowls
  • Leashes
  • Muzzles
  • Crates

By being proactive, you can help keep your furry friends safe and comfortable in challenging situations.

While not every dog is reactive, using a muzzle remains essential for safety. It protects both your dog and others, especially in unfamiliar, crowded spaces. If a leash isn’t available, other household items can be improvised. Additionally, owners should consider having slip leads on hand for emergency situations.

Create Makeshift Crates with Everyday Items

While not everyone has a pet crate for traveling, PAWS suggests that everyday items can serve as temporary storage for transporting your pets. Items like laundry baskets, buckets, or large eco bags can work just fine.

Have a Go Bag Ready for Your Pets Too

Pet parents should also consider preparing go bags for their furry friends to ensure no pet is left behind in emergencies. Go bags are filled with essential items that can be easily grabbed when needed. Although pets can survive on just food and water, here are some additional essentials to include:

  • Extra leash
  • Dog food in zip-lock bags
  • Food and water bowl
  • Vitamins or medications
  • Blanket for warmth in cold weather
  • Wipes

Assign Family or Household Members to a Pet

In many Filipino families, it’s common to have multiple pets—sometimes even more than humans! To ensure every pet is accounted for during emergencies, it’s beneficial to establish a buddy system, designating specific household members to look after each pet.

Make Sure There’s a Way to Identify Your Pet

In these situations, pets often flee to nearby shelters until the crisis subsides. This can create a lot of confusion, making it easy to lose sight of your furry friend. Many pet owners use collars with their contact information, ensuring that someone can reach them if their pet goes missing.

Additionally, consider using easily identifiable clothing, like a t-shirt, to help your pet stand out during emergencies. This makes it simpler to locate them, allowing you to ask others, “Have you seen my dog? He’s wearing a green shirt.” Not only does this make your pet more noticeable, but it also helps keep them warm.

Save the Contact Information of Local Animal Authorities or Shelters

In the unfortunate event that you lose your pet, having the contact information for local animal shelters is invaluable. It enables pet owners to reach out and inquire if their beloved companion has been found. Additionally, these organizations can help spread the word about your missing furry friend, increasing the chances of a safe reunion.

Local animal rescue groups play a crucial role in helping pets in need. If you find yourself away from home and your furry friends are left unattended, knowing whom to contact for their rescue can make a significant difference.

Leave Them Unleased if Necessary

In emergencies, prioritize the safety of your family and yourself. If you must evacuate quickly, leave your pets outside, unrestrained, and not in a cage. This gives them a better chance of survival and increases the likelihood of reuniting with them later.

Have a Photo of Them Ready

If you become separated from your pets, having a recent photo ready to share with local shelters and fellow evacuees can be invaluable. Not only can you describe your pet, but you’ll also have a visual reference. Additionally, social media can be a powerful tool to spread the word—post your pet’s photo and ask if anyone has seen them.

Stay Updated on Current Events

Natural disasters like typhoons and eruptions are often predictable. Staying informed about local conditions allows you to make decisions that ensure your safety and that of your pets. If you hear news of impending storms or evacuation orders, act promptly while it’s still safe. 

Agencies like PAG-ASA provide regular updates on natural events, helping pet owners protect their beloved companions.

The Bottom Line

In light of the current situation in various Philippine cities and provinces, concerned citizens are actively promoting the No Pets Left Behind movement. Many pet parents are also sharing their evacuation experiences alongside their furry companions. This tough time, you should stay safe and ensure your pets are protected as well!

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