Home Guide LIST: Animal Welfare Organizations in the Philippines

LIST: Animal Welfare Organizations in the Philippines

list animal welfare organizations in the philippines

Estimated reading time: 6 minutes

Animal welfare is an issue that is gaining increasing attention and concern worldwide. People are recognizing the importance of ensuring the well-being and humane treatment of animals. This has led to the emergence of various animal welfare organizations dedicated to advocating for the rights and welfare of animals. These organizations play a crucial role in raising awareness, rescuing animals in need, and shaping policies to protect animals from cruelty and neglect.

The Animal Welfare Act of 1998.

An Act to promote animal welfare in the Philippines, otherwise known as “The Animal Welfare Act of 1998. It is the purpose of this Act to protect and promote the welfare of all animals in the Philippines by supervising and regulating the establishment and operations of all facilities utilized for breeding, maintaining, keeping, treating, or training all animals either as objects of trade or as household pets. 

No person shall start an animal business without first securing from the Bureau of Animal Industry a certificate of registration (sect. 2). The certificate shall be issued upon proof that the facilities of such establishment for animals are adequate, clean, and sanitary and will not be used for, nor cause pain and/or suffering to the animals.

Marshall and Millions Shooting Incident in London

Two dogs, Millions and Marshall, were shot to death in East London after allegations that they had attacked a woman surfaced. Animal rights advocates and the general public are split over the occurrence and wonder if the canines actually deserved to be put to death. Marshall and Millions’ incident has rekindled conversations about proper pet ownership and whether force should be used. Let’s explore the conflicting viewpoints around this tragic event.

The Emotional Outcry: 

Animal rights groups were moved by the news of the dogs’ passing and moved quickly to plan a candlelight memorial in memory of Millions and Marshall. The distressed owner of the dogs, Louie Turnbull, voiced his deep grief at the situation while attending the vigil. The homeless guy who was reportedly tasered by the cops raised the stakes by accusing them of “murdering” the defenseless dogs while highlighting the close relationship he had with them.

Was There an Alternative?

The newly revealed video caused new arguments and fueled the continuing dispute. One video shows the homeless guy lovingly hugging his pets, allowing us to see the affectionate bond they had before their lives were tragically cut short. 

Animal welfare advocates contend that other options, such as tranquilizing or rehabilitating the canines, may have been taken before using fatal force. They claim that in order to save the animals’ lives, the cops should have taken every precaution.

Balancing Human Safety and Animal Welfare:

On the opposing side of the argument, some contend that the cops were forced to ensure the safety of the public. They claim that if the dogs had really threatened human life, employing lethal force could have been the only practical course of action at that crucial time. 

They contend that although unfortunate, sometimes tough choices must be taken to protect individuals from future pain. 

The key question remains: How do we strike a balance between safeguarding human welfare and ensuring the well-being of animals?

The Broader Implications:

The Marshall and Millions incident has illuminated a number of urgent concerns that go beyond this specific instance. The proper care of pets has drawn criticism, and suggestions for stronger laws to avoid future occurrences of the same kind have been made. 

Furthermore, a major issue now is whether or not using force to manage animals in these situations is justified. This tragedy should act as a wake-up call for us to reconsider how we handle hostile animals and safeguard both people and animals.

It has caused some to wonder if there are any other approaches or techniques that may be used to deal with aggressive behavior in animals without using fatal force. This tragedy should serve as a wake-up call, forcing us to reconsider how we handle similar circumstances and strike a compromise between ensuring human safety and preserving animal welfare.

The Marshall and Millions incident has wider ramifications that go beyond the immediate tragedy, calling on society to reevaluate how we treat and relate with animals. To prevent future occurrences of this kind of disaster, it emphasizes the value of education, awareness, and proper pet ownership. 

Report Animal Cruelty In The Philippines

If you witness animal cruelty (such as persons in the act of a ‘dog katay’ or selling and buying dogs for the dog meat trade, or inflicting harm to animals, or people involved in dogfighting), please report the incident immediately to the proper government authorities responsible for upholding the law and for animal welfare concerns:

Philippine Animal Welfare Society (PAWS)

The Philippine Animal Welfare Society (PAWS) is a non-profit, volunteer-run organization with a location in Quezon City, Philippines. Its mission is to combat animal cruelty via advocacy, education, and animal sheltering. 


  • National Emergency Hotline 911
  • Bureau of Animal Industry – Animal Welfare Division (BAI-AWD) – tel. # (02) 926-1522; Office of the Director tel. # (02) 926-6833 / (02) 928-2429

​Philippine Animal Rescue Team (PART)

The Philippine Animal Rescue Team (PART) is the country’s first and exclusive NO KILL, SEC-registered animal rescue group. PART was established and is managed by a devoted team of volunteers who are determined to alter how people think about and treat animals—not just in the Philippines, but all throughout the world. 

Contact them through this link: http://www.philanimalrescue.org/contact-us.html

Animal Kingdom Foundation (AKF)

Animal Kingdom Foundation, sometimes known as AKF, is a non-profit animal welfare non-governmental organization (NGO) devoted to enhancing the country’s animal living and welfare circumstances and ending the inhumane trade in dog meat for human consumption. AKF is officially registered with the Department of Agriculture’s Bureau of Animal Industry (DA-BAI) and the Securities and Exchange Commission’s (SEC).


Philippine Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (PSPCA)

The PSPCA is one of the oldest organizations in the country. Its clinic in Quiapo, Manila, can accommodate checkups, provide medicine, become a shelter, and give daycare and grooming services for animals.


  • pspcarecto1904@gmail.com
  • Hotline #: 02-733 9427

Animal Welfare Coalition (AWC)

The Animal Welfare Coalition (AWC) is an alliance of animal welfare advocates and non-government organizations (NGO) founded June 15, 2006 in Manila, Philippines, in response to the overwhelming need to share resources, establish common goals, minimize expenditure and represent a dominant voice in animal welfare.


You may also reach out to concerned groups:

Final Thoughts

A more humane and sustainable world can only be built by protecting animals, which is not only morally required. Animals are sentient animals with the capacity for emotion, including pain, joy, and the development of social ties. They deserve our consideration and respect.

Providing a home, and care, rescuing animals from abusive situations, and encouraging adoptions are actions that we can take to ensure the safeness and protect the well-being of the animals, as we are responsible for their welfare, and we have a duty to give them a secure and loving home. 

Together, we can build a society that values, defends, and accords animals with the respect and love they deserve. – WhatALife!/Jayve

Source: (1)(2)(3)(4)

Also read: Netizens Remember Marshall and Millions Through Artworks

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