Home News Local Uy signs Memo to follow Anti-Epal Law in CDO

Uy signs Memo to follow Anti-Epal Law in CDO

anti epal law cdo

CAGAYAN DE ORO CITY, PHILIPPINES — Mayor Rolando “Klarex” Uy has signed Memorandum Order No. 1325 series of 2022, which orders all Department Managers of this city to follow the Anti-Epal Policy.

The memorandum signed on October 10, 2022, mandates the “removal of names, images, photos, stickers, or any identifiable markings of any politician, public officer, or political party in all government-owned properties.

“In a statement dated 15 March 2021, the ANTI-RED TAPE AUTHORITY, through its Director General Jeremiah Belgica reminded government officials to strike out names, faces on public documents in compliance with the Anti-Epal provision or General Provision No. 82 of the adopted 2021 National Budget,” the Memo read.

It also mentioned the Mayor as an advocate of the “ANTI-EPAL LAW” introduced by former Senator Manny Pacquiao in the Second Regular Session of the 17th Congress.

Therefore, all names, images, photos, stickers, and any identifiable markings of any politician, public officer, or political party (whether incumbent or not) must be removed from all government-owned properties. Said properties include vehicles, motorcycles, buildings, overpasses, and others, whether movable or immovable.

The Memo also mentioned Article XI, Section 1 of the 1987 Philippine Constitution, which states that “Public officers and employees must at all times be accountable to the people, serve them with utmost responsibility, integrity, loyalty, and efficiency, act with patriotism and justice, and modest lives.”

Mayor Uy signed the Memo, which also states that all department managers must submit a report of their compliance with the new order. – WhatALife!

Source: (1), (2)

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