There are over one billion TikTok users worldwide. In the Philippines alone, ads on the platform can reach more than forty-three million Filipinos. Thus, various netizens use the platform as a means of expression and a way to pass the time. Those who use it as a means of expression typically gain a following and make it their profession. Here is a list of the top thirty TikTok influencers in the Philippines for you to check out.
Most Famous Filipino TikTok Influencers
There are different ways to measure a creator’s TikTok notoriety. It could be in the number of followers, views, overall engagement, and more. This list of the top thirty Philippine TikTokers is based on follower count as of July 2024.

This drawing account has over one hundred sixty thousand followers and four and a half million likes. The artist shares their work on this account.
- march !
- Followers: 161k
- Average views: 400k

Jefferson Vergara
Another rising Filipino TikToker in the Philippines is Jefferson Vergara. He has comedic videos and talks about his hair loss journey.
- jepjephoorayyy
- Followers: 439.1K
- Average views: 1.6 million

TikTok account with the name Angela Aberdeen has fifty-five thousand followers. She posts content highlighting popular singers’ vocals and shows their supported, unsupported, and strained voices during live performances.
- Angela Aberdeen
- Followers: 500k
- Average views: 2 million

Another one of the top TikTok influencers in the Philippines is Jerron or Jesigu15. He is known for translating popular songs into Tagalog.
- @jerron
- Followers: 1.3 million
- Average views: 1.6 million

Another guest star from Esnyr’s high school series is TikTok influencer Brent Manalo. His audience is mostly female and Gen Z.
- Brent Manalo
- Followers: 1.3 million
- Average views: 2.4 million

Sassa Gurl has amassed a significant following over the years. Sassa Gurl’s dump account alone has one point three million followers. Sassa Gurl, along with Esnyr, have also made their way into mainstream media.
- Sassa Gurl Dump
- Followers: 1.3 million
- Average views: 1 million

Next on this list of the top TikTok influencers in the country is Shan Vesagas. As previously mentioned, he is also featured in Esnyr’s ongoing high school series.
- Shan Vesagas
- Followers: 1.9 million
- Average views: 3.2 million

Another one of the top TikTokers in the Philippines is Jax Pena or JaxIsBoring. He participates in current trends and posts football content. He currently has more than seventy-one million likes.
- Jaxpena
- Followers: 2.2 million
- Average views: 800k

Another TikTok influencer in this list has Bisaya roots. Kenti focuses on comfortable content, he also shares his wisdom on his podcast. He has a little over two million followers and nearly eight million likes. His average views nearly reach nine hundred thousand.
- kenti 🐸
- Followers: 2.2 million
- Average views: 900k

Another example of the top Filipino TikTok influencers is Davao Conyo. He is known for his point-of-view skits. His account almost has two and a half million followers and nearly one hundred million likes. In addition, his account views average reach up to one point one million.
- DavaoConyo
- Followers: 2.4 million
- Average views: 1.9 million

Another one of the top TikTok influencers in the Philippines who focus on food content is Bite King.
- Bite King👑
- Followers: 2.5 million
- Average views: 3.1 million

Seamoan or simxmargo is one of the Filipina TikTokers with the highest views in the country. Her content focuses on fashion and hairstyle ideas.
- Seamoan {2M}
- Followers: 2.9 million
- Average views: 3.1 million

Another TikToker who’s content revolves around comedy and skits is capt.kelzy2.0. He also has more than thirty-million likes on his account.
- capt.kelzy2.0
- Followers: 3 million
- Average views: 1.9 million

A member of Toni Fowler’s Toro Family is one of the most popular TikTokers in the country. Lucy Pearl Ortiz, or Paye Galang has almost seventy million likes for all uploaded content.
- Lucy Pearl Ortiz
- Followers: 3 million
- Average views: 2.6 million

BINI Stacey
Another one of the BINI members who made it to the list is BINI Stacey or Staku to fans. Her content is very similar to Colet’s, and uses Tiktok as a platform to showcase her talents and their songs.
Stacey also likes to participate in trends with her fellow BINI members.
- Followers: 3.2 million
- Average views: 5.3 million

Another one of the top thirty TikTokers in the country is Kesniel or ChristianKesniel. He is popular for incorporating his video editing skills into his dance videos.
- kesniel
- Followers: 3.5 million
- Average views: 2.9 million

BINI Colet
The members of the Philippine Pop or P-Pop girl group BINI are not only known for their talents. They also have a significant social media presence, including TikTok. Here, they share their latest songs and participate in dance challenges.
- C O L E T :):)
- Followers: 4.1 million
- Average views: 5.7 million

BINI Jhoanna
Another one of the top TikTok influencers in the Philippines is BINI’s leader, Jhoanna. Again, her content is very similar to that of other BINI members. She shares their latest music and participates in the latest trends.
- Followers: 4.4 million
- Average views: 3.4 million

John Paul Dalumpines, or jejemonvines2.0 is a Filipino TikToker with almost five million followers.
- jejemonvines
- Followers: 5 million
- Average views: 1.9 million

Maris Racal
As previously mentioned, many actresses and mainstream media names are venturing into social media. This includes former PBB housemate and actress Maris Racal, who’s now one of the top Filipina TikTokers in the Philippines.
- mariesteller
- Followers: 6.6 million
- Average views: 2 million

One of the TikTokers in the Philippines who rose to fame during the pandemic is Esnyr. His videos reenacting common classroom scenarios resonated with audiences during the lockdown. They reminisce about their high school memories, which engage with his audience.
- Esnyr
- Followers: 8 million
- Average views: 8.1 million
Esnry has an ongoing high school series on his YouTube channel. His videos feature other Filipino influencers like Brent Manalo, Shan Vesagas, Sassa Gurl, and more.

This Philippine TikToker comes as no shock as one of the top influencers on the platform. Sassa Gurl is known for producing comedic skits that resonate with Filipino audiences. The account has eight million followers and average views of nearly eight hundred fifty thousand.
- Sassa Gurl
- Followers: 8 million
- Average views: 850k

Another of the top Philippine TikTokers is makeup influencer Pau Pelaez. She has two hundred fifteen million likes.
- ʜᴀɴᴇᴍɪʏᴀ
- Followers: 8.2 million
- Average views: 2.3 million

Another one of today’s top Filipina TikTokers is one of the OG social media influencers in the country. Donnalyn has been in the industry for a while, with more than eight million followers.
- Donnalyn
- Followers: 8.3 million
- Average views: 3 million

With over nine million followers, Ser Geybin’s comedic content tickles the humor of Filipino audiences.
- Ser Geybin
- Followers: 9.6 million
- Average views: 5.5 million

Another Filipino TikToker with a significant following is Philip Tanasas, who is known for skits. The account has over eleven million followers and more than two hundred million likes.
- philiptanasas
- Followers: 11 million
- Average views: 1.7 million

Other top Filipino TikTok influencers include Spencer Serafica or Xspencer. He is known for his comedic skits. He also won the title of Comedy Creator of the Year at the Tiktok Awards PH 2023.
- Xspencer
- Followers: 15.9 million
- Average views: 7.2 million

Zeinab Harake is another one of the top Filipina TikTokers in the Philippines. Her content typically features her life and family. She also takes part in the latest TikTok trends.
- Zeinab Harake
- Followers: 16.5 million
- Average views: 6 million

The Marie twins gained almost twenty million followers in their social media career, making them one of the most popular Filipina TikTokers in the Philippines. They mainly participate in trends and are now documenting one of the twins’ pregnancy.
- Marie Twins🐵👭🏼
- Followers: 19.1 million
- Average views: 1.9 million

Last on this list is Niana Guerrero, who has been on social media ever since she was a child. On her rise to fame, she made YouTube videos with her older brother, Ranz Kyle. She also has an international following for her dance videos going viral. Last year, she won Dance Creator of the Year at the TikTok Awards PH.
- Niana Guerero
- Followers: 43.4 million
- Average views: 4 million
Bottom Line
The Filipino Tiktok community boasts vibrant and diverse content. With Esnyr and Sassa’s relatable high school skits, Davao Conyo and Maris Racal’s entertaining videos, these TikTok influencers in the Philippines have captivated audiences with their unique content, charisma, and creativity. Whether it’s dance challenges, comedy skits, or lifestyle vlogs, these influencers continue to shape the platform. Check out their profiles and expect exciting content from these talented individuals!
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