Home News Security Bank Services Back Up After Taking Heat from Clients

Security Bank Services Back Up After Taking Heat from Clients

security bank service and channel downtime maintenance

MANILA, PHILIPPINES — Security Bank announces their service and channels back up working after reports about their maintenance downtime. 

“Please be informed that as of today 1:45 pm, July 20, 2023, our services and channels are back up and available. Operations are business as usual,” the bank said in a Facebook post.

With Security Bank’s maintenance in July, clients were not able to use their accounts on the app, and the maintenance was done to fix the glitch. 

Clients were not able to use online banking and other services such as: DigiBanker, Cash and Trade Portal, Salary Advance, PESONet, Branches, Payroll, eKYC. 

The bank informed customers about their technical issues in a previous advisory and their system maintenance.

Stated in the advisory, processing of transactions and availability of funds of account holders will be delayed. 

Netizens noticed that they were not able to access their accounts on the web or mobile app. On July 19, the advisory posted stating that there were technical issues. 

“Hello Security Bank customer! We’re currently experiencing some technical issues which may delay the posting of transactions and/or the availability of funds in your account. We apologize for this inconvenience,” written on the advisory. 

Filipinos were criticizing the bank for failing to maintain the service and not providing updates sooner. Soon, the complaining of clients labeled the bank’s customer service as “poor” and “unresponsive.”

Netizens were going on a rampage on Twitter, expressing how they feel about Security Bank and their poor service and maintenance. Due to their extensive downtime, the bank was under heat from their own clients. – WhatALife!/Zain

Source: (1), (2)

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