Home News Local Rare Brown Booby bird sighted in Cagayan de Oro

Rare Brown Booby bird sighted in Cagayan de Oro

rare brown booby bird sighted in cagayan de oro

CAGAYAN DE ORO, PHILIPPINES — A local family in Cagayan de Oro spotted an endangered “Brown Booby” bird, cared for, and fed it until authorities claimed it on Wednesday, March 8, 2023.

Sula (leucogaster), also known as the “brown booby” bird, is in the category of endangered species as stated under DENR Administrative Order DAO_ No. 2019-09 or the Updated List of Threatened Philippine Fauna. 

The species is a large seabird found in coastal areas. The bird’s features include a long beak, blue eyes, duck-like feet, and a brown body.

A Facebook post by one Grace Dapitilla said Retired Army Master Sergeant Tedolu Borden surrendered the bird to the GMA Regional TV: One Mindanao, who alerted the City Local Environment and Natural Resources Office for safekeeping. CLENRO then turned over the seabird to the Department of Environment and Natural Resources Region X.

Borden also posted on Facebook, saying, “Nadakpan nako ni katong niaging gabei sa highway mahadlok ko maligsan help us surrender this to DENR murag dili ni dani sa Pilipinas nga mananap.”

(I caught this [bird] last night on the highway[.] I was scared it would get hit. Help us surrender this to DENR[.] It looks like an animal not from the Philippines.) 

In a Youtube post by One Mindanao: Hayop sa Balita, Paulyn Mae Laranjo, a forester for DENR X, explained that the “Brown Booby“ is not critically endangered unless the threat in the wild continues. Paulyn further stated that the said animal is also protected by Republic Act (RA) 9147 or the Wildlife Resources Conservation and Protection Act, so the transport, possession, ownership, and killing of the bird is punishable by the law.

Watch the full video feature below:

DENR X declared the bird uninjured and placed it under a temporary shelter to conduct further observations. – WhatALife!/Anthony

Source: (1), (2)

Also read: Kindness to Animals Day: 7 Animal Shelters in CDO

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