Home Entertainment Kim Chiu and Paulo Avelino Open Up About Overcoming Fears in an Interview

Kim Chiu and Paulo Avelino Open Up About Overcoming Fears in an Interview


In an interview with Greg Srisavasdi, Kim Chiu and Paulo Avelino (also known as KimPau), shared their experiences of facing fears while promoting their upcoming movie My Love Will Make You Disappear.

The film explores themes of love and vulnerability, resonating deeply with the actors’ personal journeys.

Kim Chiu reflected on her past fears of pursuing a career in acting, given her conservative upbringing from her Chinese background.

She noted, “For me, there’s always fear in everything that you do […] I was scared of them not letting me pursue what I really want, which is acting.”

Despite these fears, the actress persevered, allowing her passion to drive her forward.

Meanwhile, Paulo Avelino also shared his fears of self-doubt.

“My fear was, it was never going to be enough, there was always someone better than me,” he admitted.

One of the most emotionally challenging scenes in the movie involved Kim’s character, Sari, in a deeply vulnerable moment. Chiu described it as “the hardest part for me for my character in the entire film.”

She added, “I was really nervous doing that and waiting for the day for that scene to be shot.”

The actress credited Paulo for helping her navigate the scene.

Paulo Avelino and Kim Chiu | Deepest Dream (YouTube)

On the other hand, the actor admitted his approach as passive, acting as a “statue” during the scene and allowing Chiu’s emotions to guide his reactions.

Both actors emphasized the importance of support from friends during the filming process. 

Kim highlighted the value of sharing experiences with close friends, especially when working on a project like this. Paulo echoed this sentiment, noting that sometimes friends can provide a deeper sense of family and openness than biological relatives.

He said, “Sometimes family is more of the bond you build together with a person more than just blood.”

My Love Will Make You Disappear is Kim Chiu and Paulo Avelino’s first movie and third project together. The film is set to premiere on March 26, 2025 in Philippine cinemas and on March 28, 2025 in North America.

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