Home News Events #CourageToCreate event to laud women’s tech contributions

#CourageToCreate event to laud women’s tech contributions


Speakers at the online event are expected to share their many contributions in technology and beyond.

Women Techmakers Groups in the Philippines invites students and professionals across the Philippines to join its online event with the theme #CourageToCreate this coming April 17, 2021, starting 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM.

In celebration of International Women’s Month, the event will feature leading women experts in the field of tech and non-tech industries who have shown incredible strength and powers in the face of adversity. The world has been in tremendous challenges over the past year, especially for women, from dealing with the coronavirus pandemic to broader racial justice and human rights issues.

This event also aims to celebrate and provide visibility for women’s incredible contributions worldwide and promote its call to action for accelerating gender equality. Aside from that, this event will give women doors of opportunities to meet individuals with the same drive and passion and inspire them through its different field-leading speakers focusing on personal and professional advancement and social issues.

Women Techmakers (WTM) ― a Google owned-brand ― provides visibility, community, and resources for women in technology globally across all career levels to support them in joining, thriving, and leading the industry. 

This online event is a collaborative effort of Women Techmakers Groups in the Philippines WTM Cagayan de Oro, WTM Manila, WTM Bacolod, WTM Zamboanga, WTM Baguio, and WTM Cebu in celebration of the annual #IWD21 (International Women’s Day 2021) event.

Visit https://gdg.community.dev/e/m2g6d3 and register now!

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