Home News Local Cagayan de Oro chosen as pilot area for child protection

Cagayan de Oro chosen as pilot area for child protection

cagayan de oro child protection

CAGAYAN DE ORO CITY, PHILIPPINES — During Monday morning’s flag ceremony at the city hall, City Administrator Roy Hilario Raagas informed the public that Cagayan de Oro had been chosen as a pilot area for child protection, along with Quezon City.

After the recent multi-sectoral stakeholders’ summit on the prevention of child labor abuse and sexual exploitation attended by the city’s LGU, Barangay Gusa, Cugman, and Puntod have been chosen as target beneficiaries for a Child Protection program.

The city is one of the two pilot areas in the country, which also includes Quezon City.

Raagas said that the reason why the three select barangays were chosen was due to their location near the pier, which has high incidents of child labor.

Nakita dinhi sa Cagayan na kining tulo ka barangay: Cugman, Gusa, and Puntod; tungod kay ang Puntod naa man ang atong pantalan dinha so taas ang incident sa mga bata nga ga trabaho,” he said.

(These three barangays were chosen: Cugman, Gusa, and Puntod since Puntod is nearby the pier which has high incidents of child labor.)

The City Administrator also added how local organizations are working together to, if not fully eliminate, but decrease child labor so children may go to school.

But, gapanigkamutan pinaagi sa atong PESO, sa CSWD, sa Community Improvement Office, ug uban pa apil sa City Health nga kung dili man direkta… diretso na ma-eliminate mahud-huran kana [child labor] para ang mga bata mabalik, ma-sustain ang ilang pagtungha apil sila sa mahimong successful nga mga mugradwar sa basic education,” Raagas added.

(But, with the help of PESO, CSWD, Community Improvement Office, City Health, and others, we are trying to, if not fully eliminate, decrease it [child labor] so children can sustain going to school to be successful in finishing basic education.)

The stakeholder’s summit is sponsored by World Vision and the US Department of Labor. – WhatALife!

Source: (1)

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